An Untapped Talent Pool
A diverse and inclusive workforce is a key competitive advantage for businesses across Colorado, and this includes people with disabilities.
Our Business Services team is committed to helping our business partners find candidates who are skilled, loyal, and committed to your success. Even after placement, employers and employees are provided ongoing support from our professional staff to ensure a positive job match for both the business and employee.
As Colorado's leading placement organization for people with disabilities, DVR works to bridge talent and ability so businesses and workers succeed.
Mollie and Office Depot found mutual benefit in her skills and abilities. DVR can help you find employees that are skilled and motivated to work.
Services for Employers
The Business Relations Unit is equipped to assist your business or organization with a variety of individualized service offerings to meet the specific, unique needs and goals of your business or organization. recruiting qualified applicants for employment, training, posting a job, tax credits, and more. We have a large untapped talent pool of job seekers with a variety of backgrounds and skills who are motivated to work. Employees with disabilities bring unique experiences and understanding that transform a workplace.

Are you looking to attract or recruit job seekers with diverse personal and professional experiences?
- Learn More About Our Hidden Talent Pool
- The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation represents and serves a large, untapped talent pool of job seekers with a diverse composition of skills and experience.
These job seekers have a common motivation to obtain and retain meaningful employment that is consistent with their skills and experience.
- We Can Help With
- General and targeted recruitment efforts;
- Job opening posting, analyses of your business and/or a specific employment opportunity to determine a positive job seeker match;
- Work-based learning opportunities;
- On-the-job training, and;
- The development of employment events to meet the workforce needs of your business.
The Business Relations Unit is skilled at developing and delivering a variety of training and educational offerings to the individualized needs of your business or organization.
- Topics Include
- Disability awareness and etiquette training,
- Reasonable accommodations,
- Assistive technology,
- The American’s with Disabilities Act,
- Tax Incentives and,
- Offerings related to the best practices for recruiting and retaining a diverse and inclusive workforce.
- Check out our trainings currently available at no cost to you
Turnover is an expensive challenge facing businesses due to the costs associated with reductions in productivity, increase demands on additional staff, new staff recruitment, and training.
- We Can Assist By
- Supporting both the business and the employee
- Address barriers that impacting ability to perform tasks in the position
- Provide solutions leading to success