Who We Are
The Colorado State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) is a board of volunteers who serve at the pleasure of the Governor. State Rehabilitation Councils were established in the Rehabilitation § 34 361.16(a) (2) in 1992. The Council is authorized to operate in Colorado by Executive Order B 014 07.
Mission Statement
The Colorado State Rehabilitation Council reviews, analyzes, advises, and partners with Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation to effectively deliver services that are equitable, inclusive and lead to quality of life for Coloradans with disabilities through competitive integrated employment, community integration and independent living.
Vision Statement
The Colorado State Rehabilitation Council envisions a day when Coloradans, regardless of disability, have equitable opportunities for employment, economic advancement, and the tools and resources, such as services through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, to lead and participate in all aspects of high-quality life.
Statement of Partnership and Common Purpose
The Colorado State Rehabilitation Council leads an active, constructive and enduring partnership with Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment. We share a common commitment to cultivating credibility and trust in our partnership by sharing information, program and performance data, experience and expertise. Together we ensure that eligible Coloradans seeking vocational rehabilitation services can be confident that vocational counseling and guidance will be individualized and effective. The Council strengthens the vocational rehabilitation program and the state of the environment the program operates in by asking strategic questions, examining internal and external pressures which influence service delivery, and the program's capacity to recruit, support, promote and retain knowledgeable, skilled professionals to administer operations and provide direct services and make recommendations to improve policy and practice. The desired outcome of our partnership is to enable each participant to identify a specific employment goal and then empower them to develop and implement a plan for achieving it.