DVR works with partners and vendors throughout Colorado. Our vendors provide a range services and goods. These services/goods assist people with disabilities to achieve successful employment.
Services are designed for each person we serve and may include:
- Career Counseling and Guidance
- Vocational Evaluation and Planning
- Work Experience While in High School and for Adults
- Training and Education After High School
- Job Placement
- On-the-Job Training
- Job Coaching
- Supported Employment Services
- Assistive Technology and Devices
- Job-Site Assessment and Accommodations
- Medical and Psychological Assessment
- Self-employment services (including developing a business plan, marketing)
- Time-limited Medical and/or Psychological Treatment
Background checks for direct service vendors:
Effective November 1, 2022, all new or existing vendors providing direct services to the individuals we serve must submit a completed background check or complete a Vendor Background Check Certification form. Learn more on our Vendor Resources page.
Billing or invoicing questions:
Please be sure to connect with your local DVR office staff with any billing questions.
General questions?
Please reach out to
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