Empower Employment and Independence in Colorado!
Join the State Rehabilitation Council!
Who We Are
Real change takes commitment and hard work. Making sure people with and without disabilities have similar opportunities to work is a foundational change for society. The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) wants to help make that happen faster.
Achieving this requires a strong team with diverse perspectives and skills.
SRC is a team of members who work together to improve the odds that more Coloradans can go to work, and advance in their careers, after receiving vocational rehabilitation services. These services help each person maximize their ability to work and earn, by developing an employment goal and a plan for securing a position or promotion. We recruit on an ongoing basis.
What We Do
- Meet with us: Four to six hours per month to advance accessibility, inclusion, and equitable opportunities for all.
- Serve as an advisor: Review and advise the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation on services and programs that promote integrated employment, community inclusion, and independent living.
- Dig Deeper: examine factors affecting service delivery, like funding, technology, and social trends.
- Be curious: Ask critical questions to identify areas of opportunity.
Responsibilities and Duties
Who Should Join
- People with disabilities
- Business representatives
- Professionals
- Parent advocates
- Service providers
What You Bring
- Business perspective on opportunities and barriers experienced by hiring people with disabilities
- Strong commitment to disability rights and advocacy
- Desire to learn, develop and share your knowledge
- Passion for collaboration and collective action
- Chance to leverage connections, networks, and resources to fully achieve the agency's mission
Apply for the SRC
“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” -Phil Jackson
We are waiting for your application!
Time Commitment and Expectations
All members are appointed by the Governor. Members serve a term ranging in duration from one to three years (terms are staggered by the Governor’s Office). A member can serve up to two consecutive full terms. There is no compensation for serving on the Council, however we are able to pay mileage, per diem and lodging according to state fiscal rules and guidelines. The Council happily provides reasonable accommodation upon request.
Council members meet monthly for 1-3 hours, on a weekday and almost always during regular business hours. Meetings may be in-person with remote options.
What is the State Rehabilitation Council Seeking in a Member?
Effective Members
The goal of the State Rehabilitation Council is to build an effective team which is representative of the array of experiences and characteristics of the people of Colorado. We aren’t looking for one type of candidate, to the contrary. We seek applicants who:
- Support the mission and goals the Council pursues
- Have time and desire to serve at the pleasure of the Governor in the public interest
- Demonstrate ethical behavior
- Want to learn, develop and share subject matter expertise
- Collaborate with the team and prioritize a common purpose or agenda, and
- Engage by doing work and asking questions.
We welcome and encourage people of all abilities, cultures, races, genders and political affiliations. Our work is stronger when members come from urban, suburban and rural areas.
Specific Composition
The federal law (34 CFR 361.17 [b] [1] [i-xii] or Requirements for a State Rehabilitation Council) and Executive Order B 014 07 specifies the composition of the State Rehabilitation Council.
More than half of our members must be people with disabilities. Some of the interest groups represented on the State Rehabilitation Council include: DVR representatives (from administration and the field); current or former recipients of vocational rehabilitation services; a representative of the Client Assistance Program, and PEAK Parent Centers; parents of people with disabilities (particularly those of people with disabilities who have functional limitations that make it difficult to express or represent their interests independently); American Indian Tribes that administer a vocational rehabilitation program; business and industry; labor; and representatives of particular state partner agencies or boards (CDE, CWDC, DDC, SILC).