Older Individuals Who Are Blind Program

The Older Individuals who are Blind (OIB) Program is a federally funded grant program that provides services to persons age 55 or older and who are blind or visually impaired. The purpose of the OIB program is to: provide independent living services to older individuals who are blind; conduct activities that will improve or expand services for these individuals; and conduct activities to improve public understanding of these individuals’ challenges. Services that a person may receive include: Clinical/Functional Vision Assessments and Services; Assistive Technology Devices and Services; Orientation and Mobility training; Communication Skills training; Daily Living Skills training; Advocacy training; and Adjustment Counseling and/or Peer Support services. 

Are you looking for resources and products (both local and nationwide) for blind and low vision persons? Please visit the Blind and Low Vision webpage:
Blind and Low Vision Resources

Colorado outsources OIB services to independent living centers and other qualifying agencies throughout the state. These agencies include:

Center Toward Self-Reliance

Phone: 719-546-1271
Center Toward Self-Reliance website

  • Main Office: 901 W. 8th St., Pueblo, CO 81003 
  • Satellite Office: 407 State Ave. Alamosa, CO 81101
  • Satellite Office: 113 W Elm Lamar, CO 81052
  • Satellite Office: 136 W Main St., Trinidad, CO 81082
Counties Served:
  1. Alamosa
  2. Baca
  3. Bent
  4. Conejos
  5. Costilla
  6. Crowley
  7. Custer
  8. Fremont
  9. Huerfano
  10. Kiowa
  11. Las Animas
  12. Mineral
  13. Otero
  14. Prowers
  15. Pueblo
  16. Rio Grande
  17. Saguache


Center for People with Disabilities

Phone: 303-442-8662
V/TTY: 888-929-5519
Center for People with Disabilities website
Email: info@cpwd.org

  • 1675 Range St., Boulder, CO 80301
Counties Served:
  1. Adams
  2. Arapahoe
  3. Boulder
  4. Broomfield
  5. Clear Creek
  6. Denver
  7. Gilpin
  8. Jefferson
  9. Weld


Center for Independence

Phone: 970-241-0315
Center for Independence website

  • Main Office: 740 Gunnison, Grand Junction, CO 81501 
  • Satellite Office: 401 27th St., Room 105, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
  • Satellite Office: 211 East 3rd St., Salida, CO 81201
Counties Served:
  1. Delta
  2. Garfield
  3. Gunnison
  4. Mesa
  5. Montrose
  6. Pitkin
  7. Chaffee


Colorado Center for the Blind

Phone: 303-778-1130
Colorado Center for the Blind website

  • 2233 W Shepperd Ave., Littleton, CO 80120
Counties Served:
  1. Adams
  2. Arapahoe
  3. Denver
  4. Douglas
  5. Jefferson
  6. Weld
  7. Larimer


Ensight Skills Center

Phone: 970-407-9999
Ensight Skills Center website

  • Main Office: 1101 Oakridge Drive, Unit C., Fort Collins, CO 80525
  • Curtis Strong Center: 918 13th St., Suite 4, Greeley, CO 80631
  • Satellite Offices In: Boulder, Lafayette, Lakewood, and Cherry Creek 
    • (Note: These are subject to change, please call the main line to confirm location and address.)
Counties Served:
  1. Adams
  2. Alamosa
  3. Arapahoe
  4. Archuleta
  5. Baca
  6. Baca
  7. Bent
  8. Boulder
  9. Broomfield
  10. Clear Creek
  11. Clear Creek
  12. Conejos
  13. Conejos
  14. Costilla
  15. Crowley
  16. Custer
  17. Delta
  18. Denver
  19. Douglas
  20. Dolores
  21. Eagle
  22. El Paso
  23. Fremont
  24. Garfield
  25. Gunnison
  26. Huerfano
  27. Jefferson
  28. Kiowa
  29. La Plata
  30. Larimer
  31. Las Animas
  32. Mesa
  33. Mineral
  34. Moffat
  35. Montezuma
  36. Montrose
  37. Otero
  38. Park
  39. Pitkin
  40. Prowers
  41. Pueblo
  42. Rio Blanco
  43. Routt
  44. Teller
  45. Weld